Year 2
Meet the Year 2 Team
Mrs Daysh Miss Baron Mrs Tuck Mrs Drake
- Year 2 are taught by Mrs Daysh and Miss Baron
- Mrs Daysh teaches on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays.
- Miss Baron teaches on a Tuesday all day and Wednesday afternoons.
- This does change so please look out for one of us on the yard at the end of the day.
- Mrs Tyrrell, Mrs Tuck, Mrs Drake, Mrs Hollindale and Mrs Mariner support in class at different points throughout the week.
Key Year Group Information
Our PE days are Thursday and Friday. Please ensure kits are kept in school as these days may change. Kits will be sent home at the end of a half term. PE kit standards can be found here....
Homework is sent home on a Thursday and consists of a spelling activity (spellings are not tested) and a Maths activity linked to the week's learning. Homework folders need to be returned by the following Thursday.
Key Stage 1 Statutory Assessments
The end of Key Stage One assessments are no longer compulsory. Children retaking their phonics screening check will do so in June and this will be communicated to parents individually.
What we will be learning in Year 2
Autumn Term
In the Autumn term our topics are 'Pit Boots and a snap Tin' and 'Our Local Village'. Take a look at our curriculum maps below which outline what we will be learning. During the Autumn term we will visit the National Coal Mining Museum to support our History topic 'Pit Boots and a Snap Tin'. We will also perform in our Christmas Nativity.