At Duckmanton Primary we strive to ensure all children experience a high-quality, vocabulary rich curriculum. Pupils are immersed in a wide variety of writing experiences which teach, reinforce and embed knowledge, skills and understanding to enable them to become confident and enthusiastic writers.
Punctuation and Grammar across all key stages is taught discretely as a part of the English lesson whilst also being embedded across the curriculum in all aspects of writing. Rainbow Grammar is used in conjunction with other teaching strategies to make the complexities of grammar accessible to children of all abilities. Rainbow Grammar is a systematic approach to teaching grammar and punctuation created by Jason Wade, a grammar expert. It separates sentences into eight parts of grammar and assigns each a colour. During their time at Duckmanton Primary School, children will learn about each colour and how to combine them to build a rich array of sentence structures.
More information about Rainbow Grammar can be found here:
Our Writing Policy:
At Duckmanton Primary School, our handwriting sessions follow the guidance of the National Curriculum alongside the delivery of the Cambridge PenPal Handwriting Scheme. It is our overall aim that all children develop a fluent, legible and personalised style of handwriting.
Examples of the letter formations:
Our Handwriting Policy:
In EYFS and KS1 children take part in a daily phonics session, this is built on in KS2 with a daily spelling session. No Nonsense spelling is used a framework to ensure children learn the key spelling skills and strategies to be confident and skilled spellers. A spiral curriculum approach ensure these skills are revisited and embedded throughout their learning journey.
The statutory words lists can be found here:
- Year 1 Common Exception Words.pdf
- Year 2 Common Exception Words.pdf
- SpellingWordList_Y3-4.pdf
- SpellingWordList_Y5-6.pdf
More information about phonics can be found on the link below